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Thursday, November 4, 2010

My 16 year old son is completely and head over heals over his 1st girlfriend ever Maya.
And can I tell you I LOVE HER!
Instead of Hendrix going to party's and getting into mischief like most 16 year olds, he spends his weekends taking Maya to movies, dinner, shopping, hanging out with Zakk.
Did I tell you what a good influence she is on my little man?
When I do tell him that he needs to relax and not get too serious too fast, he simply replies...
"Mom you just don't understand our love, our bond, we were meant to be together forever"
I simply respond...
"AH Hendrix I met your father when I was your age and felt the same way as a matter a fact so did your grand parents and they have been married for over 40 years."

If anyone one understands true love its ME!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Random stories and Pictures

The Garden season is over so I though i'd just post some random pics of my very unique garden.
Its in no way professionally landscaped, I basically planted in a trial and error state of mind....
What do you think?

I haven't done a blog since when?

I'm sorry to those who actually check out my blog....
Its been since June so I have a lot to catch up on I Guess.
I will start with a recent trip to the Chelthenham Badlands.

“Badlands” is a geologic term for an area of soft rock devoid of vegetation and soil cover that has become molded into a rolling landscape of rounded hills and gullies. Such areas are rare in Ontario and this is one of the best examples. They exhibit the reddish hue of the Queenston Shale that forms them; the iron oxide in the shale produces this colour. The narrow greenish bands that can be seen throughout the shale are due to the change of red iron oxide to green iron oxide brought on by the circulating groundwater. The relatively soft shale is essentially clay and is easily eroded by water. This site was acquired by the Ontario Heritage Foundation in 2000 and is under the care of the Bruce Trail Association.
Its a real must see Kids love jumping and sliding down the domes
11 km
Hiking & Walking, Geocaching
Rock, Clay
Limited roadside parking, Lunch spot at Quarry near waypoint (005)
Central Ontario
Golden Horseshoe

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Great Blue Heron

I frequently see this Heron on my evening walks along the trail way, but they are easily spooked and I'm never quick enough to take a photo.

Oh but I was this time....

Spectacular aren't they?

Did you know that if you spook or get too close to a Heron they bark?
You do now.

Monday, June 14, 2010

I look like who?

I was at a BBQ/party a few weeks ago...
I met some really nice people, ate excellent food, played games and had an all around good time.

This particular couple kept staring at me with an odd expression on their faces, after a while I just asked polity "is there something I can help you with"

"OH MY! they responded" We really didn't mean to stare, we just cant believe how much you sound and look like Racheal Ray".

WHAT! "I said You've gotta be kidding right?"
Daniela DiMatteo

Okay maybe a little....

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Childhood in a Journey not a Race

Remember being a child and wishing you were all grown up?

You would complain to your mom when she told you you were too young for this, or that...

Then she'd reply "don't be so anxious to grow up dear, stay a child as long as you can, its not as much fun as you think being an adult".

She was right!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I'm not fabulous

Almost everywhere I go I have people asking me questions about my lifestyle or "mom life" or "How do I do it". These I don't respond to, not because I'm all private & personal, but because I have no clue what to say....

I've even had women say how FABULOUS I was, and how they ADMIRED how I did everything, and they could only WISH to have it all together like me.....
PACK OF LIES! I am NOT Fabulous. Well o.k, I'm a little bit Fabulous, that's only because I think all women are.

I love women, (not in a Rosie O'Donnell kind of way), I just love and admire our gender! We are amazing. And in order to find out why I feel I am Fabulous, I think you need to know the truth.....

My name is Dee and I am a woman, a women who can't stand the size of her ass and can't figure out what she has more of, cellulite or grey hairs.
I'm a wife, a wife who is blessed to be madly in love with a fantastic man who is perfect, except when he is a GIANT JACKASS!

I am a mother, a mother who has 3 beautiful children whom I adore and are my true treasures, that I would gladly trade for a mickey of vodka and a bus ticket when they are driving me BARKING MAD!
I am a daughter , a daughter to lovely, caring parents.
I a am a big sister to a little brother, who I forget to call on his birthday and haven't shared a beer with in a long time.
I am a friend, a friend so fortunate to know some of the best people on the planet. They love me and tolerate me... for me, even when I don't return their calls and forget or bail about lunch dates. "How do I do it?" you ask. The answer is simple...I DON'T do it...
I don't feed my kids all organic, local, free range food.
I DO feed them, good healthy meals that are well balanced with KD, Zoodles and enough crackers and cheese to choke a horse.
I DON'T have patience, I DO yell at my kids, get frustrated and sometimes ignore them for an extra 15 minutes when I hear them talking after nap time.
I DON'T bathe them everyday,
I DO know how to give one hell of a good spit and polish with a handful of wet wipes.
And I DON'T get all prettied up before my husband walks through the door at night.

There is however one very important thing that I do "DO" that does make me feel a little bit FABULOUS.
I celebrate my successes no matter how small. Everyday! I know it sounds corny but it's what keeps me going...(that and a cocktail of course).
I don't worry about where I failed everyday...because there are far too many.
I gloat, toot my horn and do a happy dance (in fabulous shoes) for all my passes.
Those are far more rare, but far more important.
SO there you have it

Sunday, June 6, 2010


Have you ever wished you had a farm at your back door?

Thanks to Community Supported Agriculture (C.S.A) everyone can enjoy a ready supply of local fresh fruits and veggies while supporting your local farmers.
This grassroots initiative helps urbanites team up with local farmers....

Here's how it works....

There you will find a list of list of participating farmers.
You pay a lump sum ahead of the season approx. $400.00 to help the farmers buy springtime supplies and plant crops, and in return you receive a weekly allotment of the farms harvest.

CSA farms offer fresh, high quality vegetables (usually certified organic) with some farmers offering eggs, poultry, meat, herbs and honey. Each farm is different, but all offer fresher, healthier alternatives to produce picked too early and shipped for hundreds, even thousands of miles before making it to your plate. Taste the difference! Buy from your local CSA farm.

Interesting Facts About Imported Food in Canada

- Most imported food is not inspected in Canada
- No processed food is inspected unless a complaint has been received
- The country of origin is not mandated on food labels
- "Product of Canada" doesn't necessarily mean "grown in Canada"
- Less than 10% of imported food is inspected and it is not mandated to meet Health Canada Guidelines for food production in Canada


Friday, June 4, 2010


Some people just come into your life regardless of choice....
I did not choose my parents, God choose them for me, WHY?

I'm nothing like my mom. But because of how she raised me, I am now the mom I am.
Not better by any means, just different...

I'm everything like my Dad. Thats why I choose my Husband Dylan.
Not better by any means, just different....

People use their childhood as excuses for the reasons they do what they do.
All those who've had challanges during their up bringing could do 1 of 2 things.....

1.You either learn by those around you and make yourself a better person, stronger, wiser.
2. You choose to use it as a scape goat and keep making the same mistakes you should have learned early.

Thanks MOM Thanks DAD for making me the person I am today.
Thanks God for making them my parents.


I am so lucky to be living and raising my family in such a diverse country like Canada.
Even better still I've found a "peace" of Heaven in the small town I live in Called Hillsburgh...

The pictures attached to my blog are scenes from our daily evening hike at the Cataract/Elora Trail Way.

I'm hopelessly addicted to my evening walk with Bizkit My dog Zakk and My Dylan.

I have yet to take pics of the Beavers that live in a den just off the trail, but when I finally do I will post them too.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

My Husband

Do you still get goose bumps when your husband walks in the door after being away for hours..I do!

17 years later and man do I ever love him.

He's an excellent father, funny, loyal, loving, kind, forgiving....
And one hell of a lover.

Here's to another 17 years Mister.....
This is a picture of my son Zakk, My youngest of 3 wonderful boys.

His older brothers are Hendrix 16
Kayne 15

A lot of people ask me what its like to live in a house full of boys 2 of which are teenagers and a toddler.
I always reply....

Could be worse I could have 3 girls

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

First Blog

Lately I've been reading peoples Blog's non-stop, I decided to start my own...
I swear I will get better at it.