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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Tribute to our 1st Anniversary

Although my husband and I have been together for over 18 years, its only today we celebrate our first wedding anniversary.

We met when I was only 17 and the moment I laid eyes on D I said to myself this is the man I'm going to spend the rest of my life with, nothing has changed except I love him more now.

This time last year we finally got married.

I got pregnant with my oldest son when I was 19, our parents insisted we get married.
D and I felt it was not right to marry just because we were pregnant. It didn't feel right, we felt pushed and bullied. It was what they wanted not us.

So we explained to our family when were ready, don't push us...

So it was last year that my husband got down on his knees and proposed he felt the time was right...

We began planning our nuptials....
All of a sudden although we rarely argue it was non stop arguments.
The stress of making everyone happy, the financial stress, venue's, catering all this began to take toll on our relationship.

My husband came home from work one day after a conversation prior with me crying for some reason.
He pulled me aside wiped my tears and said " my angel this is what we were trying to avoid I don't want to see you like this SCREW it all lets just take off to Vegas"

I replied OKAY!

That was that...We flew to Vegas with 4 of our closest friends got hitched and we've never regret it!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Ungrateful beings....

Do you know someone who no matter how nice you are to them, no matter how loyal, no matter how many great things you do they never appreciate it?

Its like it would kill them to say "Thank You...."

You wipe their tears when they need a shoulder to cry on.

Drop everything your doing when they need a ride because their car wont start.

Babysit their children because their soooo tired and need a break.

Lend them money and never ask for it back.

Treat them for dinner just because.

Never forget their B-day, include them in every special occasion you celebrate.

The list goes on....

So what do you do when its all one sided? When you've exhausted your kindness you begin to feel used up?
Do you stop being the person you are kind loving generous?

Do you end the friendship?

What is the last draw?

My last question is Where? Where were you? When I needed you most when I needed a friend

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Random Pics

We spent the day on out favorite trail, we capture some fabulous photos I'd like to share

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Proud mama!

My 16 year old son starts his CO-OP for high school this week.
This was not as easy as it sounds.
Because we live in a rural area the opportunity for apprenticeship sponsorship is difficult.
My son had to find his own Journey man write an essay as to why he wants to work in this particular trade, a resume and cover letter.
A long and daunting interview, not to mention he had to compete with over 20 students from different schools.

He begins his first year apprenticeship as a mechanic.

I am so proud of my son Hendrix

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Is Spirituality a Scapegoat

"We learn[ed] that spirituality is no substitute for Christian faith.
Churches were filled to capacity in the weeks following September 11.
Some observers predicted a period of national revival and openess to the gospel.
That did not happen. Within just a few months, church attendance had fallen to pre 9/11 levels.
The national trauma produces flutterings of spirituality but little evidence of renewed Christian conviction.
Spirituality is what is left when authentic Christianity is evacuated from the public square.
It is the refuge of the faithless seeking the trappings of faith without the demands of revealed truth. Spirituality affirms us in our self-centeredness and soothingly tells us all is well.
Authentic faith in Christ calls us out of ourselves, points us to the Cross, and summons us to follow Christ."

My o my, clear incisive insight to the way things actually are.
I say that I am spiritual, what does that mean?
DO I have an authentic faith in Christ?

Friday, February 11, 2011

Feet firmly planted

When I was little as far young as I can remember anyway, I loved to walk around barefoot.
It didn't matter how cold it was, my mom would chase me around the house screaming "Daniela get your slippers on your going to get sick.
I'd run and hide, she eventually get the tippies on but as soon as she was out of site off with the slippers.
I just loved the feeling of the grass under my toes. The grip that only bare feet could give, allowed me to dance and run on hardwood floor without chancing a slip or missing a beat was electrifying.
Not to mention my feet would get hot and clammy in slippers EEEWWWW gross.

Now that I'm getting older its a different story......

Click to show "Slippers" result 13

I have about 6 pairs and I wear them all faithfully.
The feeling of hardwood floor on my bare feet makes me cringe, and I have a panic attack if my slippers are not under my bed when I step out of my cozy slumber.
They freeze instantly and cramp to the point where they lock in a painful arthritic way that I have to literally rub the circulation back in.
Oh the trials and tribulations of aging.....

So now my youngest son has inherited my love of bare feet, and guess what I do? Chase him around the house yelling " get your slippers on, you'll catch a cold".

Just thought I'd share

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

From Toddlers to Teenagers

There are certain emotions that only a parent can ever know. The
overwhelming love you feel the first time you see your new
baby... the bursting pride when your child takes those first few
brave steps...

And the complete embarrassment of listening to your 2-year-old
throw a loud, obnoxious tantrum in the middle of a busy

As parents, we all love our kids. But, if we're being completely
honest with ourselves, there are definitely certain things about
the way our children behave that we'd all like to change.

I spent a lot of years frustrated with the fact that my children
just didn't seem to listen. I'd ask them 2 or 3 times to get
their shoes and coats on so that we could leave the house, for
example, but they usually wouldn't respond until I got mad and
started yelling. By then, at least one of the kids would be
crying, which meant getting them out the door would take even

NOT a fun way to start the day...

I spend months trying to change their behavior -- with almost
no success. I thought I'd tried everything, but then I did
something completely different.

I changed *MY* behavior... and things improved almost instantly!

This led to a dramatic about-face in the way I dealt with all
kinds of behavior challenges with my children.
Stock Photography - idle male teenagers  hanging out together.  fotosearch - search  stock photos,  pictures, wall  murals, images,  and photo clipart

Just thought I'd share what I've learnt I've been a mom for over 16
I think I've learnt a thing or two....

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A gift is not always materialistic....

Friendship is a treasure, and when you meet a new friend it is a true gift of god.....
Awhile ago I met someone at playgroup the moment I met her I thought wow I want to be friends with her.
I can`t ever say I`ve said that before well not in my adulthood anyways.
When were children its so easy to meet friends, if we`re fortunate enough we carry these friendships straight through to our adult life. I`ve been that fortunate, even more fortunate to have married my best friend.
Anywho back to my new friend
She`s fabulous, a wonderful mother, loving and devoted wife a caregiver, teacher...
She inspires me to be a better person and in such a short time.
I can`t wait for our friendship to blossom.
Thanks Jaime your awesome!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Fact

The becoming of a True Blood Fan

Okay....I've been hearing a lot about this HBO True Blood series lately, many people waiting for the 4th season to start.

I love vampire books Twilight Series, Brotherhood of the Dagger, anything Anne Rice.
But never got into TV.

After many friends recommending it, I figured OK I will check it out....
I went to the library and ordered the first season.
DONE! In one week couldn't get enough.

I'm awaiting the 2nd season and hopefully be up to par when the 4th season begins

Then we can discuss.

By the way I love Anna Paquins Character Sookie too sweet.

And a secret crush on Sam, I'd scratch his belly anytime.

cant wait to see what happens with Tara

I hope Lafayette is OK, I love his character